The Place that was once home

Moving to the city was both a pleasure and torture for me. I was too excited about getting to check out all this creatives who did graffiti, dancers and all those painters that just made creating quality look so easy. I hated the fact that there was no enough space play around. I grew up in this awesome place that was also a Railway Station. Seeing that it was by the Rift Valley escarpment, the views were wonderful and the air was unpolluted by industries and vehicles as it was far much away from closest small town. There were all this beautiful flowers growing around our home and the railway premises that got some frequent TLC from the compound care taker. I remember the countless wedding photos we photo bombed whenever married couples would come to the area for their wedding photo-shoot.

I always looked forward to riding my bike every day and meeting up with friends to go steal_mg_1570 fruits from the neighbouring farms. Of course I got a thorough beating for it since my mum has never been the type to let indiscipline slide.It had gotten to a point where you would get a beating anyway so I had decided never let the fear of a beating stop me from having fun. My favourite time was when it rained as we would slide down a small hill next to our house while seated on a cut out piece of mtungi.

I remember we got fresh food from our farm as my parents farmed most fresh foods that we now pay a proper penny for in the city. At one point we had a home in the city and the countryside and then one day it was permanent that we would be staying in the city until further notice. My family and I recently visited old friends and decided to pop by our old home. It was sad to find that the flowers and fresh greenery had now been replaced with thick bushes and this perfect location for a rusty retro photo-shoot.

I could say I was lucky to grow up in a place with enough space to explore quench my adventurous self. But I also know that the city has played a big role in helping me become a better creative. I choose not to get over my love for the country side because as soon as I hit that Forbes top 10 list, we tell the city goodbye and it’s back to morning walk in the farm and proper brewed tea. Thank you for reading…




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