Great Tastes Last Forever

_MG_5306Good deeds are not easily forgotten. They will always go a long way in how the people you relate with treat you or what a stranger remembers you for. One of the people who has been so kind to me in my career is Fatma, the founder of Mama Zaza’s. At first it was because I liked her outfit and was interested in photographing her as she ate and then it grew to us doing business together.

Mama Zaza’s is a food company in Kenya that makes the most delicious chocolate chip cookies and energy bars I know. They have an online site where you place an order by the dozen and within a day, your cookies will land at your door step. Fun hey?

Inspired by the need for scrumptious homemade cookies in our market, Fatma began to make the chocolate chip cookies with her young daughter nick-named Zaza. Due to demand by friends who stopped by at their home, she began to make chocolate chip cookies for sale and it has been a fun 1 year of business.

One thing is for sure, all businesses call for consistency and commitment in making quality. Mama Zaza has outdone many with their keen interest in how well they package their products and also the amount of time they take to deliver . I fear that I am starting to sound like someone paid me to say all these things; the truth is, when a product is good, I will never shy away from giving credit.

My favorite product from their menu is their energy bars which are made with nuts, dates and dark chocolate. Yum! I will not be forgetting anytime soon just how the chocolate from the nutella filled chocolate chip cookies melted in my mouth for the first time as I tasted her products. You have got to try them.


Binti Diaries

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