SOTD| It’s you ~ Fancy Fingers ft Njerae

“ 🎶I’m riding this wave now with you, I know it’s getting late now but boo, niangalie uniambie ni mimi unataka huezi kuniacha…🎶”


This proper lover girl has been feeling a rush of emotions listening to this, and I’ve found myself smiling a lot today. Njerae’s voice is distinctively layered with Fancy’s, enchanting sound. It feels like a lovers’ dance, swaying to the rhythm of their shared emotions, being cocooned in feelings of love so pure and profound that nothing else matters in that fleeting moment of bliss.

🎶“it’s youuuuu, tell me you knewww juu tukikaa pamoja maneno zote zanitoka…”🎶.  It’s so warm.

Listen to It’s You

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