SOTD| Dreams of my father~ Ayo Dee Offical, Coster Ojwang’

An added reason to smile this beautiful morning is in acknowledgment of some beautiful writing. This is such simple yet intensely deep writing. It hit home; I’ve felt it deeply. The beauty in their vocals, the instrumentation, and the lyrics stems from a place of hurt and possibly brokenness. Yet, in their own way, these… Read More SOTD| Dreams of my father~ Ayo Dee Offical, Coster Ojwang’

SOTD| Lamu Afternoons ~ Waithaka, Wabi Sherie, Ayrosh

Soul’d Duets! I’ve listened to this album thrice and to this track even more. I’m a sucker for guitars, and with it being the opening instrument, I was hooked instantly. The track has a wonderfully chill vibe that is so calming. Wabi and Ayrosh make a beautiful pair. Throughout the album, the duets feel perfectly… Read More SOTD| Lamu Afternoons ~ Waithaka, Wabi Sherie, Ayrosh