SOTD| Oriti ~ Kato Change, Winyo, Suraj

If I had my way, I’d probably pick the whole EP as the song of the day, but rules are rules so here’s my favorite selection to help you through the Monday blues. This song has a certain warmth that is hard to describe. Winyo’s vocals feel like a cup of warm cocoa on a… Read More SOTD| Oriti ~ Kato Change, Winyo, Suraj


The razor slips,no turning back Sitting back on the toiletseat,breathing hard,trying to numb the pain, Memories trickling Gushing down her wrist The pain of each flowing away Memories of the one who broke her heart,and dimmed the brightness in her eyes

SONG REVIEW:  “Wess(Bounce)” by Muddah

There’s something missing in the underground scene and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed. Let’s face it, it’s the producers that made the scene start popping. People were laying vocals on internet beats long before the likes of Quassa, EA Wave, Mars Maasai etc started uploading beats on Soundcloud. So as the scene started to… Read More SONG REVIEW:  “Wess(Bounce)” by Muddah